How Is Periodontal Disease Detected in the Smile?
- Posted on: Nov 15 2019
You’ve heard the dentist discuss the importance of avoiding gum disease. But what exactly is this condition and how can it impact your smile? Dr. James A. Oshetski speaks with patients in the area of Brunswick, ME about how patients can improve the health of their smile with the avoidance of gum disease.
What is gum disease?
Gum disease is a soft tissue infection that is often referred to as periodontal disease. Gum disease starts in the gum tissues and can cause patients to experience signs in the earlier stages. Patients may notice that they have persistent bad breath, and that their gum bleed when they brush and floss. This is the earliest stage known as gingivitis and can be cured with immediate attention. Patients who leave this condition without treatment will then notice continued changes in their smile. Teeth may become loose or fall out. The bone of the jaw will shrink, and gum tissue can pull away from the natural teeth. The effects of periodontal disease in the later stages, called periodontitis, can be devastating.
How is periodontal disease detected?
The first signs of periodontal disease, such as bleeding gums, is easily detected by patients when they brush and floss their teeth. This is an indication that treatment is needed. Dr. James A. Oshetski will evaluate the patient’s smile. He will determine if there is a pocket depth, which is the space between the gum tissues and the teeth. This will help him provide a proper diagnosis regarding the stage at which the disease has reached. The later the stage, the more damage can be done, and the more extensive the treatment. With early detection and diagnosis, most patients can avoid these later stages and enjoy a healthy, beautiful smile for life.
Take good care of your smile with routine visits with Dr. James A. Oshetski
If you live in or around the community of Brunswick, ME and are ready to speak to a professional about the benefits of detecting periodontal disease in the earliest stages, call (207) 729-1159 today. Dr. James A. Oshetski proudly accepts new patients interested in general dentistry treatments.
Posted in: Restorative Dentistry